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Universal Design: Shaping a sustainable, equitable, and resilient future for all

Webbanner UD2024

Tid: -

Sted: Radisson Blu Plaza hotel, Sonja Henies plass 3, Oslo, Norway

The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth, and Family Affairs (Bufdir) are delighted to be hosting the seventh conference in a series of biennial international conferences on Universal Design, UD2024. Join us in advancing the discourse on Universal Design and its pivotal role in shaping a sustainable, equitable, and resilient future for all!

Universal design, inclusive design, innovation for all, and accessibility are important concepts that aim to make products, environments, and services usable and accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities, age, or background. This makes them important strategies to achieve the UN's sustainable development goals, Agenda 2030. (See article "Universal Design - terms and terminology")

Explore the theme Universal Design and join academia, practitioners, civil servants, and experts worldwide in an engaging event aimed at renewing, developing, and inspiring the progress in the field. Through keynotes and academic paper presentations, discussions, showcases, and knowledge exchange, we will spotlight best practices, recent research, and tackle pressing issues fostering collaboration across sectors and nations.

Join us for an enriching experience with the goal to develop and inspire progress in the field of Universal Design. Your presence will be a valuable contribution to the effort aimed at creating a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient future through Universal Design.

Don't miss the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of Universal Design on an international scale!

UD2024 - call for submissions

Submit your abstracts and papers on EasyChair


  • Submission of abstract: 15 April 2024
  • Author notification: 2 May 2024
  • Submission of full paper: 1 July 2024
  • Author review notification: 1 September 2024
  • Deadline final papers and posters: 20 September 2024
  • Registration deadline for presenters: 27 September 2024
  • Registration deadline for attendees: 6 November 2024

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) & Machine learning
  • Best practice
  • Built environment
  • Crisis management
  • Cost benefit
  • Design thinking
  • Digital accessibility
  • Education & Life-long learning
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Employment & Workplace
  • Gaming & Interactive entertainment
  • Healthcare & Rehabilitation
  • Innovation
  • Independent living
  • Indoor and outdoor navigation
  • Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
  • Intersectionality
  • Law, Compliance, and Policy
  • Leisure, Tourism & Travel
  • Mobile Technology
  • Museums, Art experience & Promotion
  • Myths
  • Products and services
  • Reuse and joint use
  • Smart cities and local communities
  • Social justice, equity, and ethical considerations
  • Standards, policies, and legal issues
  • Theoretical perspectives on universal design
  • Transport
  • Universal design and ableism
  • Universal design and sustainability
  • Universal design dilemmas
  • Universal design in education
  • User Experience (UX)
  • User participation, Community engagement and Co-design
  • Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Cross/Mixed Reality (XR)

Practical projects and best practice submissions should focus on the work done and/or resulting design solution and can be written without references. We welcome:

  • Practical Projects: Case studies, design interventions, implementation strategies, and lessons learned
  • Best Practices: Exemplary models, innovative approaches, success stories, and evidence-based practices

A two-step submission process is adopted:

  • Step 1: abstracts (maximum 500 words) should follow the formatting instructions below and must be submitted through EasyChair. During submission you can check whether you want to do an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Abstracts will be reviewed by independent reviewers.
  • Step 2: Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present their work during a session of the conference. They are also invited to update their abstracts if they wish so, and to submit it as an extended abstract, see formatting guidelines for extended absracts below. Extended abstracts will be published in an electronic compendium with an ISBN number. Please note that presenting authors of accepted contribution must register to the conference before the deadline indicated above for the extended abstract to be included in the conference compendium.

The work must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

We welcome empirical as well as theoretical and methodological work from all countries. We encourage contributions from young practitioners, as well as Ph.D. students, junior researchers, and postdocs to submit their work.

A two-step submission process is adopted:

  • Step 1: abstracts (maximum 500 words) should follow the formatting instructions below and must be submitted through EasyChair. During submission you can check whether you want to submit a scientific/academic paper (maximum 8 pages) or a poster presentation.
  • Step 2: after abstract acceptance as a scientific/academic paper, poster, or extended abstract, follow instructions for formatting of below. Please note that presenting authors of accepted scientific/academic papers must register to the conference before the deadline indicated above for the paper to be included in the conference proceedings.

Submitted abstracts will be double-blind peer-reviewed by independent reviewers assessing relevance, contribution, quality, and readability.

Scientific/academic papers will be single-blind peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Submitted papers that previously have been published will be rejected. If parts of a submitted paper are based on research that has previously been published, then the earlier research must be referenced such that the new contribution can be assessed.

Contributions must be written in English and submitted through EasyChair

  • Abstracts (maximum 500 words) should be at font size 12 pt, single spaced and with no less than 2 cm margins. The abstract can contain up to two figures, one table and references. References are in addition to the 500-word limit.
  • Extended abstracts (max 2 pages) should use the template UD2024 Extended Abstract Template.docx. Extended abstracts will be included in a conference compendium and published with an ISBN number.
  • Scientific/academic papers (maximum 8 pages): should be submitted for review and formatted according to the guidelines and templates that can be found at IOS Press article instructions page. After review, a camera-ready version must be uploaded. The papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by IOS Press.
  • Posters (max. 1 page size A0)

The abstract and papers should follow accessibility guidelines. Here are links to accessibility guides from Centre for Excellence in Universal Design.

By submitting your extended abstact or paper, you agree to publish it under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 (CC-BY) license.

Poster size: A0

  • 118,9 x 84,1 cm
  • 46,8 inches x 33.1 inches

Suggested font sizes

  • Headings: Minimum 72 point, maximum 158 point
  • Section titles: Minimum 46, maximum 56
  • Text: Minimum 24, maximum 36
  • Strive for consistency across headings and sections.

Font type

  • Use common and legible fonts (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Times or Calibri)
  • Avoid capital letters, italics and underlined text

Spacing and size

  • Use sufficient space. Do not overcrowd the poster
  • Line-spacing should be set to between 1.2 and 2.0 to allow the reader greater ease to move from line to line
  • If possible, increase the space between the characters (e.g. to 125%)
  • A typical text block is associated with a particular heading and could hold about 100 words

Images, colours and graphics

  • Use caption for images
  • Do not write text on a patterned background, on top of photos, illustrations or graphics
  • Ensure sufficient resolution when printed (minimum 300dpi)


  • Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background. For posters many people prefer dark background and white letters
  • Use matt paper for your posters. Glazed paper will reflect the light and reduce the readability.
  • We encourage you to create a digital version of your poster that can be easily accessed, e.g. via a QR code. This will allow participants with different needs and preferences to view your work more conveniently.

The UD2024 conference proceedings will be published in The Studies in Health and Information Technology book (HTI) series at IOS Press. Volumes in the HTI series are open access and submitted for indexing by MEDLINE/PubMed; Web of Science: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) and Book Citation Index - Science (BKCI-S); Google Scholar; Scopus; EMCare.


08.00 – 10.00 Registration

10.00 – 12.30 Opening

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 17.00 Parallel sessions


09.00 – 12.30 Parallel sessions

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 17.00 Parallel sessions

19.00 – 22.30 Conference dinner


09.00 – 10:30 Parallel sessions

11:00 - 13:00 Plenary session

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

Registration will open in the first half of July.

Your registration will not be valid until you have paid your registration fee.

Participants may pay by credit card using a secure credit card payment system.

Please beware that all prices are in Norwegian Kroner (NOK).

Registration fee Sum
Early bird * 4300 NOK
Attendee ** 5800 NOK
Guest / accompanying person 1200 NOK
Student / scientific committee / presenters *** 4000 NOK
Digital attendee (streaming)**** 1500 NOK
Conference dinner ***** 600 NOK

* Before August 31st 2024.

** 3 day registration fee inludes field trips, coffee breaks with and without snacks, and lunches.

*** Presenters are strongly encouraged to register early to facilitate programme preparation.

**** Digital attendance will only become an option if we are able to stream the entire conference

***** The conference dinner will be held at Oslo City Hall.

Organizing Committee

Tone Alexandra Larsen, Conference Chair, Senior advisor, Bufdir

  • Kirsti Svinø, Senior advisor, Bufdir
  • Inger-Marie Hølmebakk, Senior advisor, Bufdir
  • Tina Hoffland Engen, Advisor, Bufdir

For more information ud2024@bufdir.no

Scientific Committee Chair

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud - Chief Research Scientist, Head of digital inclusion, Norwegian Computing Center

For more information ud2024@nr.no

Programme Committee

Tone Alexandra Larsen - Programme Committee Chair, Senior advisor, Bufdir

  • Camilla Ryhl - Research Director, BEVICA Fonden, Denmark
  • Cato Lie - Senior adviser at FFO, President of IFSBH, 1’st Vice President of IDA and Board Member of EDF, Norway
  • Gerald Craddock - Chief Officer of Centre for Excellence in Universal Design - National Disability Authority, Dublin, Ireland
  • Inger-Marie Hølmebakk, Senior advisor, Bufdir, Norway
  • Kirsti Svinø, Senior advisor, Bufdir, Norway
  • Olav Rand Bringa - Former Senior Adviser Ministry for Culture and Equality, Norway
  • Onny Eikhaug - Former President EIDD - Design for All Europe, member of the Board IAUD, Chair of Selection Committee for the IAUD International Design Award Founder Innovation for All AS, Norway
  • Valerie Fletcher - Executive Director, Institute for Human Centered Design SOWA Art +, USA